In Australia, insect screens are essential; hot weather means doors and windows need to be open to allow cool breezes to flow through and the screens keep those annoying pests out!
Moar Windows & Doors manufacture hinged and sliding timber flyscreen doors. Our standard timber flyscreen doors are elegant and simple, however we can also accommodate your personal tastes and style by adding facing mouldings, push bars and other decorative elements.
We offer a selection of mesh including our standard mesh which is a high quality and durable, Aluminium mesh where it is a requisite for certain Bushfire Ratings or Council requirements, and Pawproof mesh which is always a good choice if you have pets or children.
While we can make a stand alone flyscreen door, we can also make your flyscreen doors during the fabrication process of your doors, or we can rebate the door frame to accommodate the flyscreen doors at a later date.
French Doors
A pair of traditional flyscreen doors with a rebate complement this style of door and can be fitted on the inside or outside. We can also make the screens to match the style of door you have chosen as the perfect companion piece or to highlight the details of your design choice. It is recommended that you speak to your installer about hinges for your flyscreen doors and whether you want them to open 90° or 180°.
Sliding Doors
A timber flyscreen door is the perfect addition to our beautiful timber doors. The flyscreen doors are usually on the inside.
Retractable Screens
This is an alternative to our timber flyscreen doors and is a fantastic choice for Bifolds. We have used the Brio 612 Retractable Pleated Insect Screen for all types of doors, including Entrance, French and Sliding Doors, and have found it to be an attractive alternative for clients who don’t want the look of a traditional flyscreen door. The beauty of this screen is that it is designed to be integrated into doors making the unit discreet in appearance and operation. Check out for more details.